Negs/Neutrals: Add to Internet Explorer's Menu
Upgrading to Ver. 4 ? It's easy! Just download and install the latest version of the HTM files!
One picture says it all: Add instant access to the Negative/Neutral Feedback Tool to your Internet Explorer menu!

With this addition, simply right-clicking on a user's eBay name will bring up the IE menu, allowing you to open a new window which takes you to that user's Negs and Neutrals, received or left. It works on any eBay-user link, whether in an item listing, Member Profile, discussion board, or anywhere - no more highlighting, copying and pasting! Actually, it also works if you do highlight a user's name, allowing you to use it anywhere in IE, whether the user's name is a link or not. It even works on the user's feedback number! If, for some reason, it's unclear about what user you wanted, it'll take you to the default Negs/Neutrals page.

Installation on IE v.6 (and later!) negs-menuXP.reg (e.g. Windows NT / 2000 / XP)
Click on the link above, and one or more dialog boxes will appear.
Do you want to run or save this file? - click "Run".
Are you sure you want to add...? - click "Yes".
Information in... has been successfully entered into the registry. - click "OK".

You must also install the following two files:
negs-recdXP.htm - Right-click on this link, and "Save Target As..." c:\negs-recdXP.htm
negs-leftXP.htm - Right-click on this link, and "Save Target As..." c:\negs-leftXP.htm
Right-click on both of the above links, and save the files on your system as shown.

To get to the C: drive, go to "My Computer" first.
- You may save the HTML files anywhere, but the locations are specified in the registry entries. If you're comfortable making such changes, feel free!

You must now close all IE windows. When you restart IE, the new items will appear in the right-click menu.

Installation on IE v.5 and earlier negs-menu98.reg (e.g. Windows 95 / 98 / ME)
Click on the link above, and one or more dialog boxes will appear.
You are downloading the file... - click "Open".
Are you sure you want to add...? - click "Yes".
Information in... has been successfully entered into the registry. - click "OK".

You must now close all IE windows. When you restart IE, the new items will appear in the right-click menu.

Uninstalling (All Windows versions) negs-menu-del.reg
Click on the link above, and one or more dialog boxes will appear.
You are downloading the file... - click "Open".
Are you sure you want to add...? - click "Yes".
Information in... has been successfully entered into the registry. - click "OK".

This will delete the registry items. If you installed c:\negs-recdXP.htm and c:\negs-leftXP.htm on your system, you may remove them, although allowing them to remain on your system will not affect performance.

You must now close all IE windows. When you restart IE, the new items will no longer appear in the right-click menu.

Last modified Friday, 02-Jul-2010 15:53:58 EDT